Sunday, February 22, 2009

Auckland to Tasmania - Sea Days part 2

This morning, Saturday, we were required to report to the Cabaret Lounge between 07.00am and 09.30am for Australian immigration inspection. I guess they came on in Auckland and will leave us in Tasmania, what a job, 5 days cruising for 2½ hours work. We had our usual relaxed breakfast and made our way to deck 5 around 09.00am to find that about 200 other people had the same idea, leave it ‘til later and we won‘t have to stand in a line up. The weather was still cool and windy, all the open decks were taped off to prevent any access to outside as it was considered too windy to allow people outside. I spent the morning reading my book and we decided to skip lunch as neither of us were hungry, then as we hadn’t slept too well the night before, we had a couple of hours sleep. After dinner we went to a musical concert starring Nicola Loud, virtuoso violinist. Tonight we will put our clocks back one more hour meaning we will be 16 hours ahead of Ontario time tomorrow.

Sunday, time to put in our Oscar ballots, the show will be telecast live, but it will be Monday at noon here and we’re likely to be ashore in Burnie, Tasmania. This morning I went to a lecture by Les Evans, former pilot of the Concorde. The subject was the Air France crash of 2000. The highlight of the afternoon was the passenger talent show, 20 entrants yesterday was now down to 7 as 13 had withdrawn, the show was uninspiring.
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    Anonymous said...

    Hey guys....remember i said,,,,see you in Brizzy......Its not happnin,Shirley rang up and said she and Alec were going down to Brizzy...So we decided not to go...Never mind,they can bore you to death instead of us.....Your havin a great trip....ENJOY,ENJOY , ENJOY....... Well,mabe not the 27th chortle,chortle,come back up the road with them and they can drive you to Cairns....hoo roo Mac

    Anonymous said...

    Hey!!!!!!!! i left that comment 3 minutes ago and a still huvnae goat a reply......Get they fingers mobile Jimmy !!!!!!All that rich tucker yer eatin...Get the good porrige[no d] into yer...Ye, ll all dee of a heart grate pollok[thats a scottish fish] Remember when your comin up to Bundy,,dont come without prezzies for us.....flamin plutocrats !!!!!!!