Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sea Day after Venice

The group picture - click on the picture for a larger version

Saturday May 2 2009 - Quiet day, after breakfast we packed most of 2 suitcases, a sure sign that our trip is coming to an end. Quite a few people down with the intestinal bug that laid us low for a day or two, there’s also a respiratory infection/cough etc going around, hopefully they will have run their course by the end of the cruise. This morning at 10.30 there was a group picture of all the passengers who have been on board for the full world cruise, apparently there are over 400, though I wasn’t in it as I was taking pictures of the group with Alice’s camera, Jim’s camera and my own camera. The photographer did his best to control the crowd including the captain and officers, but as one passenger said ‘it was like herding butterflies’. We got baggage labels tonight so one more step closer to the end
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